mercredi 29 février 2012

Beyonce Knowles : To all the Single Ladies

There's too much to say here...

I discovered her recently only... I mean I had heard about her of course, but her music never was my kind.
Then I heard of few of them and started to like her genre, so as I do for every artist that I start following I read a bit about her and was pleased to realize that she looked like a really nice person ! ~

You know some artists are really good and talented, but you would never see yourself "hanging out" with them... maybe their music is good but their attitude sucks... in most cases because they are too full of themselves.

Beyoncé is a person that separates very distinctively professional life and private life. Her private life is very strong, she is married and just had a child. She is now a mother... always polite, always well-dressed, nice and caring. ~
On the other hand she changes personality when he is on stage... She becomes this Tigress ! Wearing provocative clothes and dancing aggressively !

 She is an emblem for women, she has fought her whole life to be where she is now, and she fights for the rights and the power of women ! 

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